Saturday, March 29, 2014

Rosaries, Chaplets & Catholic Necklaces

Sometimes I purchase pendants to put on necklaces.  Here is a gold plated pendant with Jesus showing his Sacred Heart.  The beads are millefiori glass with luster acrylic spacer beads.

This necklace has a pendant of the Immaculate Virgin Mary.  The translucent light blue beads are made of glass.  The other larger beads are made of blue agate and the tiny spacer beads are man made of luster acrylic.

 This necklace is made of black onyx beads with a Tibetan Silver crucifix pendant and Tibetan Silver spacer beads.

A rosary made from South American Topaz beads.  The Crucifix Pendant is made from Tibetan Silver.
The rosary center has a Greek Icon of the Virgin Mary with the Infant Jesus.

A rosary made from blue agate beads.  The crucifix and rosary center are made from Tibetan Silver.  The black spacer beads are glass.

A rosary made with rubber glow-in-the-dark (luminous) beads.  The crucifix and rosary center are made from Tibetan Silver.

A rosary made with flattened gold rimmed glass window beads and gold plated Tibetan Silver rosary findings.  The large "Our Father" beads are made of glass.

A rosary made from rose agate beads with Tibetan Silver crucifix, spacer beads and rosary center.

A rosary made with gold plated Tibetan Silver rosary findings.  The yellow "Our Father" beads are faceted "crystal" beads made from glass.

A rosary made with metallic plated faceted man made "crystal" beads made from glass.
The rosary findings are copper plated Tibetan Silver, and the Saint Benedict medal is solid copper and blessed by a priest.

A rosary made from faceted man made Cats Eye beads.  The crucifix is Tibetan made and solid bronze.
The spacer beads are bronze plated.

A chaplet with a photo of a Sister of the Precious Blood.  The beads are pink alexandrite and the spacer beads are Tibetan Silver.

A Divine Mercy Chaplet made with a Tibetan Silver Crucifix, bead caps and spacer beads.  The stone is a baroque (or irregular) bead made of natural lemon quartz.

 A necklace made with a Tibetan Silver crucifix.  The oval beads and small round red beads are made of ruby.  The grey beads are made of grey Tourmaline.  The faceted spacer beads are made of glass.

A rosary made with an antique solid sterling silver rosary center.  The crucifix is Tibetan Silver.
The beads are faceted man made "crystal" glass beads treated to produce the "AB" effect.

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